bad vibe balloons
I didn't take any pictures today so that is a picture of me and Westley that I painted. I used artistic license because it is actually my creative nature having to bid him adieu. EXTREMELY DEEP AND ARTSY.
too bad I have no painting skills to go with my flakey artsy skills.
After work I was sitting with this one guy I work with and some old drunk guy. The old drunk guy gave the work guy his daughter's phone number and was like YOU CAN CALL HER I TRUST YOU. I dunno it was funny and also she is still in high school
also the dad said "don't be afraid to call her, I know her real well"
God I would be unimpressed with if my dad was giving out my number at bars.
Oh yeah, also he was like she's not a virgin.
Also everyone who wants to diss me in comments fuck off. It's losery to read my blog everyday if you hate me so much.
I made a bit of a rule for myself that I have a 4 drink maximum on any given day for the whole day and I had three drinks at work today and one at dinner time and I really wanted to drink way more after work and also even somebody offered to buy me a drink but I said no and I got a cab home and he was a good cabbie and I told him that I appreciated him so I am practically as good as mother Theresa if she decided to put the good deeds on hold and go on a bit of a bender or something so you should all be proud of me and give me a dollar and turn me into a blog supastar with your adoration so I can feel like I accomplished something bigger and better and than not being a big drunk loser one night. K THANKS.

9 comment(s):
good work, now if we could just get you using periods
Markus, at
1:14 p.m.
Melissa, at
1:25 p.m.
heres your second dollar from me m keep it up
6:34 p.m.
I like your painting, it reminds me of Paul Klee. A pretty good starting point.
BeckoningChasm, at
11:24 p.m.
i missed you beckoning
Melissa, at
12:14 a.m.
I was talking real doolars folks. the thought is nice but tth thought does not buy me lunch tomorrow
Melissa, at
12:15 a.m.
I think you should get a p.o. box & give us the address so we can send you dollars.Im sure youd get a good response.I'll send $20 for my first contribution to help offset the cost of the pobox.You dont even have to give your name.Otherwise looking for $ online ,qwell,forget it toooooo risky,even paypal.Id buya couple things from you but i dont trust buying online AT ALL.
Seriously,ever see one of those times when there is a po box to help someone who had a fire or got hit by a car or that stuff...they rake in the $$$$
Anonymous, at
7:12 a.m.
somebody bought a shirt and they got it
Melissa, at
7:41 a.m.
not afraid of not getting it,just giving out cc info
Anonymous, at
8:29 a.m.
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