ode to my boyfriend
Sometimes I get drunk with my dad and we talk about taboo subjects like eugenics (spelling?) and how Jews are smarter than us and why wouldn't they be when they stuck in a certain gene pool and the intelligent survived.....I went with him and computer guys and played pool in front of my old teacher who tried to fuck me and who quit when I complained about it and in a way I was mad that my dad didn't want to beat him up. That is not his style tho. I played pool and played it poorly. Sometimes pool is all about bending over but not with your dad and his work buddies it's all about I don't want to bend over.
I was sick of my face so I changed my background but wood is stupid on electronic background.
You probably can't read that cup but it is from starbucks and it is extremely corporate gay. It says "the way I see it" and then it is some guys hokey opinion about how your dreams can come true if you work hard. That in itself is a gay enough to thing to have to read when you are just wanting a coffee but the funniest thing about it is that at the bottom of the cup starbucks is like "this opinion is the opinion of the author and not neccessarily the opinion of the starbucks" How sad is that? They are like umm here's an inspirational message about working hard but in case you work hard and your dreams don't come true please don't sue us cus we never said that it was our opinion that your dreams would come true.
These are old pictures, I am just getting them today. I decided that I am ugly or something. I also am fat at this exact moment. blah blah more lame shit.
before I forget here is something I hate....
when educated people ask you what your education is basically or what you do
and you say
which in my case
is nothing
and they say
well whatever makes you happy
and then it is awkward because you are not happy
that happened tonight.

12 comment(s):
See Paul's a Dick
from your last comments posted...
so true.
Anonymous, at
7:52 a.m.
i kind of like it when people ask me that now because i am like "oh i was in school for blah blah but i quit last fall." and then I CONTROL THE AWKWARDNESS!
the pants, at
9:30 a.m.
because i dont know what i want to and also i am broke
Melissa, at
10:04 a.m.
its lots of things and not things i feel like discussing with people i dont really kno whwich is why i said i hated it when that situation comes up
Melissa, at
11:39 a.m.
why don t you work at balkbarn
Anonymous, at
11:44 a.m.
why dont you obsess about the bulkbarn comment
Melissa, at
11:47 a.m.
it's funny that crystal looked at theeat picture and said 'wierd, jamie has that same shirt!'
i'm glad that all these annoying people don't comment on my blog. hey wait, no one reads my blog. hey all you annoying commenters, read my blog and comment on it but don't be so annyoing.
Jillian Grady, at
1:12 p.m.
jill is funny
learn from her
also i never returned that shirt to crystalor jamie i guess shit
Melissa, at
1:12 p.m.
that mirror pic is curazzy
Cait, at
5:25 p.m.
Cute dog. Also, you're not fat.
BeckoningChasm, at
11:25 p.m.
Also, I hate to be a creep (sorry but I am), but you should really look at yourself and see an intelligent young woman who is smart. pretty cool and interesting.
BeckoningChasm, at
11:27 p.m.
Hi. Cut down your spending today and become slim for once! Log on to my blog to find out more! firdaus-towards-success.blogspot.com
Anonymous, at
11:53 p.m.
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