the goo zoo
I went to this thing Amanda's scriptwriting class was putting on where 6 of the students have parts of plays they are working on acted on stage and then the audience gives feedback to all the different writers at the end. It was pretty interesting. Amanda was trying very hard to downplay my expectations beforehand but her play was soooooo good. It is kind of a Cinderella story about a woman with downe syndrome who is exploring her desire for love and sex kinda thru fairy tales. It was extremely moving I cried all through it and I was not the only one. One lady approached her about getting it produced and was wanting her to write it potentially as a screenplay. I am proud of her and I really do hope her story ends up being told to a wider audience.
Besides going to the plays, I was being nerdy or sleeping all day so I never got out to take any pictures. I used to have a sort scrapbook diary type thing that I kept when I was a teenager. When I lived in the tent one summer it flooded and ruined the book kinda and after that I stopped making it. That's a page from it with some pictures of me as a kid and my young parents. One of the women isn't my mom but it is her best friend. You probably can't read what is written by that picture but it is the words to this song my mom used to sing that goes:
Shannon is gone I hear she drifted off to sea,
she always loved to swim the waves,
maybe she'll find an island with a shady tree,
just like the one in our backyard
It is about someones dog named Shannon who died, pretty corney but it still makes me tear up every time I think about it.
p.s. awesome fuck u's haikus still coming soon.

8 comment(s):
i am the worst person to ask for advice on that kinda thing especially if you are already drunk cus thats how i tend to deal with my problems
Melissa, at
11:46 p.m.
the best way to get over a woman is to get over top of another one.
Anonymous, at
12:25 a.m.
Dude...I'M totally nerdy.
It's the new cool.
Test, at
1:52 a.m.
hear that folks
Im not nerdy.
Im the new cool.
Melissa, at
10:21 a.m.
where are the pics of the little one?
Markus, at
2:12 p.m.
Can you write a fuck you haiku for me?
Krista, at
3:22 p.m.
theres only that blurry one
i didnt really take pictures
Melissa, at
9:04 p.m.
I think Krista meant a "fuck ME" haiku.
Anonymous, at
8:48 a.m.
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