I think ya betta bend over and pick up that tumbleweed missie
A year ago, I saw ugly people.I havn't been home much or thinking much. I dunno working and and whatever, not much. I stayed at Char's last night. Today we went for lunch and pretended that we had horney old western men living inside our bodies. I said hi to every animal on the walk to the restaurant. Then we tried to go to a craft fair but it was all closing down. Then Charlene was like HEY TELL AMANDA TO WRITE A PLAY WITH AN ALL DOG CAST and we pretend interviewed people at the park about the potential star qualities of their dogs.
Does your dog have fur?
hmm yes, check.
Does your dog like eating dog food?
hmm yes, check.
We are gonna make him a star!
All dog cast plays are an untapped money making market.
Whatever, it was funny at the time.
Some crazy girl got the headliner this week to sign her tit and then she made out with him and her maybe pimp boyfriend watched and hit on us and told me he always talks to girls with nice boobs. Eww he also said "I'm not a pimp; I'm a model" but he was pretty gross. |

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