thanks for sucking

My room is mess. I am a mess, I guess. RHYMING FEVER!
Last night I stayed at Amanda's and I watched Amelie and she slept and then I cried at the movie I guess. I don't really like movies unless they are comedies because I either find them boring or emotionally taxing. I am already emotional enough as it is, I don't need to have movies starting emotinal snowballs for me.
We smoked pot and I got high. First time I bought pot in maybe 4 years. We got poutine from this guy who is open pretty much all the time and he basically spends all his time in the poutine van and when he says how much you owe him he says it like he is selling you somethign illegal maybe. I don't mean that he says it secretively I mean like if you were buying illegal guns how the guy would tell you how much owed him in a voice that was meant to let you know that there is absolutely no way you are NOT paying him that amount. Then he stabs the forks violently into the styrofoam like a warning or something, or maybe that is how he vents his anger. I am pretty sure he is miserable.
Sometimes I worry that I am emanating loneliness, like when someone comes in from the cold and you feel it off them; like that is me when I walk in a room. Anyway, I am pretty glad that Ryan is coming to visit me in a couple of weeks. |

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