I care about you Oakie.

I had to go get another video pap smear today. Ummm this sounds gross but it kinda put me in a good mood because it was sort of funny. First of all I tell a dumb stage joke about that pap smear place and I was kinda giddy biting my tongue because I wanted to tell it to the doctor but that woulda been awkward and gross. Anyway I am in the room with this lady doctor and nurse and the nurse asks me are you on the pill? and for some fucking reason I am like me???? and the doctor is all no, she's asking me, haha.
Then she is checking out my cervix on the video and she takes this swabby cheese cloth thing and you can see it inside you but for 2.5 seconds I didn't clue in that it was her swabby thing and I was fucking MORTIFIED because I was like oh my god what the HELL is inside me? is that a leftover peice of tampon or something? god thats gross! and I was about to say something about it when I realised that duh I am an idiot. Also she was like whoa! you are right in the middle of your cycle (i.e. prgenancy time). Dont have any unprotected sex in the next couple days which was pretty funny just because you are like umm thanks for the hot insider tip.
p.s. I stole that picture off Tina. |

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