I want to hold your paw.

Last night we went to the pub down the street and this asian guy was there bawling, SOBBING seriously for a good atleast half an hour. He was at a table with two girls and a guy and he kept hugging the guy and one girl kept comfort patting him on the back except it was this really distant theatrical style back pat like slapstick comfort or something where she stretched her arm way far out and kinda just touched him really briefly with her hand. The other girl laughed at first. Oh yeah p.s. at first I thought he was laughing. Umm yeah, girl number 2 was just laughing but then she got kinda annoyed looking. When the guy eventually went outside the girls told us he was crying cus he got dumped by some girl who had been seeing for three months, and afterwards when we were just loitering on the street teenager style for a bit these fellow pub people told us that he ended puking and then cry-puking into his puke. I dunno I am glad that I wasn't crying into my puke last night. I do sorta wish I could be an asian man tho so I could unlock the mystery of what the appeal of stupid fancy boy haircuts is to them.
I'm in Jess's room blogging while she sleeps but she keeps on waking up, I think she just panic woke up that she was drooling on her pillow.
Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my blog. It seems like I should maybe take a moment to reflect on like what a wild and crazy trip it's been but at the same time reflection is gay. Did I ever tell you my idea for something gay? my idea is I publish a book of artsy pictures I took of myself in mirrors and write a bunch of gay poetry/reflective writing with it and call it REFLECTIONS. I have another idea for something gay. It is that I shun men; go on a protest against them lesbo style.
I love Toronto. It's really warm here compared to Ottawa and I am really appreciating it. That picture of juice reminded me of how I am thirsty. There is cockroaches in the kitchen here and I am dreading the juice trip because turning on the light at night in there is the scurrying cockroach escape show. Gross.
Another thing I wanted to point out about the pictures is that my favourite one is the one where I am accidentally pouring milk all over my plate instead of in my coffee because I dunno I am stupid and weird. My other favourite one is the one where you can tell how I am fat and my pants are all half on. I really like it except for the me being fat in it factor. The me fatness is how it got demoted to second place.
Tonight I went to a comedy show by myself and sat in the front center by myself cus I am a lonery comedy nerd.
juice/cockroach time!
The end. |

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