written intentions

Okay so my mood has improved since yesterday; sorry to dissapoint if you came here looking to read some more of my crybabying. Umm crybabying kinda sounds like a job like HEY YOU! MAKE THESE BABIES CRY! Pretty much an awesome job, maybe someone who hates babies or moms or something will secret hire me to make babies cry. I heart dumb sidetrack fantasies.
I went to Amanda's house last night for what I nominate to become a weekly event entitled "Farts and Crafts Night". In case you didn't figure it from the name we sat around and painted and farted. Also she went on her myspace and fart noise commented my myspace which turned into a serious discussion of how to really spell fart noises because we are mature, talented, career oriented women.
Maybe I will write a joke about "oriented"; like other things you can be oriented instead of family and career. It will probably be lame but whatever lame is the old cool. Seriously, think about it; IT'S TRUE.
In case you are wondering the love affair between me and my mini-briefcase is still going strong. Physically, we are having some difficulties expressing our love for one another but we are going to see a top-notch third world surgeon who may be able to implant a tongue into the mini briefcase so we can make out.
I guess what I am getting at with everything I have said so far is that I just thought you should know that I am still creepy and gross.

Also remember those magnets? That one belongs to Amanda.
A few weeks ago I was at Value Village and they had this winter coat there that was exactly the same as one I used to have in maybe grade 5 or 6. I had this big flashback to me standing in this little brick indent area at the school wearing this coat and talking to myself, like standing there with my eyes closed pretending I was actually in some tropical location and saying stuff like OH MAN IT IS SO HOT HERE! The coat is really ugly, burgundy and long. It is "S.O.S." brand and there is a little metal tag on the outside of it that says "S.O.S." Anyway, if I could go back in time and joke narrate my life I would go back to that time and be all S.O.S. MY PARENTS BUY ME UGLY CLOTHES AND I HAVEN'T DEVELOPED ANY SOCIAL SKILLS! |

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