old tricky dogs
I am all re-reading old posts cus I dunno that's my mood. Here are links to old posts in case you are feeling reflective about my life.hahahahhahaha
wistful is not a good look for you honey
This one is stupid.
snorefest 2006
Dumb people want to talk to me.
wave pools suck.
Here is what I say everyday.
I am pregnant with boredom
That one is funny because I wrote a joke suicide poem about how I feel like a towel to cheer myself up cus I DID feel suicidal/like a towel and Jill was all uhhhh are you serious? in the comments.
(haloscan eats old comments unless you pay them)
Don't worry this orgy of consumerism will be over soon.
4 drink minimum
haha at myself.
Okay I am starting to get depressed because I am getting into old depressed postings. So I'm done. |

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