velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

If you want to be famous take your top off

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Oh shit.

I thought I was number 5 on google knifty knitting but really I'm number 5 of page 11.

Everytime someone comes across my site by searching for something knifty knitting related I feel this swell of pride like YES! I have made an impact in the knifty knitting community. I think to do that tho I would maybe need to master the knifty knitter and have patterns and whatever and I dunno; know how to make more stuff than hats and scarves and legwarmers with it, but in a way I think making fancy stuff is against what the knifty knitter is all about, because the knifty knitter is all about making knitting accessible to fucking A.D.D. cases. Making fancy knifty knitter items is equivalent to non-cripples having wheelchair races or something. That's just plain wrong folks.

So I haven't managed to rustle up a midnight crib partner which is my exuse for why I am drinking a beer right now instead of starting my two weeks of boozeless existance. My other exuse is that the beer I am drinking is this beautiful Belgian unavailabe in Canada called Golden Carolus. Some dude brought my dad a case.

I'm in the mood to turn pretty again.

p.s. I am going to Toronto soon, during Halloween time. Jess and I have some retarding to do.


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