get outta my comfort zone

That's my painting from last night. I kind of like it kind of hate it, I dunno. Whatever more sad stupid art.
I made a pretty good joke the other day. In case you are ever 25+ and you live at home and your dad is showing you how to clean the bathroom because he either a) suspects you are mildy retarded or b) cleans his bathtub with boat cleaner since it's more "gentle" a good idea for a funny joke is when he puts the tilex in the toilet bowl to say to him
"hey, that's kinda pretty"
"hey Dad! Do you think that's art?"
Okay why are art jokes suddenly the only jokes I can make?
Also wait, except for this which is equally retarded. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like OH MAN YOU KNOW WHAT'S FUNNY? if someone says "that's it, in a nutshell" and you say well "what kind of nutshell, because some nuts are really hard to get into"
I am retarded. That's why I haven't been writing. |

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