Finally! A Grainery!
Okay listen to this. Umm I am drunk some; okay yeah pretty much all the way. I got my beer in a "to go" cup because I am like umm hi alcoholic needs to bring her her pint home with her so she can write on the computer how awesome she is while she drinks alone and talks about herself in the third person. Anyway I think I decided that I am goign to post v.2 soon but it will be short and v.3 will come soon after cus I keep trying to think of plot connectors and coming up with nothing for my comic.what else?
Holy I keep getting mad props on pissing in a cup and I find it weird. Also Charlenes friends, that got the pee thrown at them, were at the club today and I was all HEY HEY go put hot water from the coffee machine in this cup and I'll add a bit beer and you go put it on their table, brilliant but Darren's mom was there.
Moms ruin all the good sorry I got pee thrown at you jokes.
I want a new small camera so I can take more pictures.
Also I am going into in acting class. LOOK AT ME SHINE!
oh yeah, I am gonna get laser hair removal on my bikini line and treasure trail so I can feel like a girl and not a big hairy man with a mangina. Did anyone get that before?
Lets hear some laser hair removal stories!
p.s. I just reread all that and was like whoa! holy no grammar/typing/spelling skills but I am not bothering to fix it in a protest against like, I dunno sobriety or intelligence or something. DUMB4LYFE!!!!!!!

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