whats new at the zoo is death eating tigers.

Krista tagged me to play internet chain letter thing where you say 8 things about yourself. I usually call myself too cool for this but it's not so much of a bad one cus its not what ice creams do you like? and give coy answers about people you made out with, soI decided I will play cus I am writers block lately anyway.

One reason that I dont like those things is that for some reason there is always food preferences given like, I like chocolate over vanilla or whatever which I find dumb and self obsessed/boring. I understand the weird urge to pretend like people care about your ice cream preference but also kind of think we should all fight against the urge to pretend that people care about your ice cream preference because it is fucking stupid. That being said, I do think that OVERALL food family taste preferences say huge amounts about a person. Like I think if you are dessert obsessed it points to certain character traits and that if you are one of those creamy food lovers that means something else too. My favourite foods are juicy sweet explosion foods like pinapples and also very hot foods. I think if I find a guy as obsessed about spicy food as me that I will have to marry him.

When I was 17, I got lice.

I used to sing in choirs when I was young and I was in this really good choir. We were on tv to sing for the national Rememberance Day ceremony. One reason I havn't really done a whole lot "career wise" thus far was because all I felt I really wanted to do was be a jazz singer but I never really pursued it because I realised it was ridiculous and it was too embarassing to even admit to. Anyway, I am not really great singer or anything but I am pretty good at jazz standards.

I want to be famous and I think that is the single most embarrassing thing ever.

I had a speech impediment as a kid, I couldnt say s's or r's. I won a story telling contest in grade 2 I think because they found it cute how I couldn't talk. The first place winner was this boy named shaun who peed himself and cried all the time.
Also one time he shit his pants.
R's were the worst and I was in speech therapy for a long time, and it never really helped. I eventually learned how to say them because one day they noticed that I could sing an R perfectly fine and from then one I had to sing any word with an R in it. I dont have that problem anymore but I say "midden" instead of "mitten" and some other weird things I say wrong. I dont know why. Sometimes cashiers think I have an accent and ask me where I'm from.

When my great grandmother on my fathers side was six she climbed a tree. Her father told her to jump down and he would catch her. She jumped and he backed away so as not to catch her and when she landed on the ground he leant over to her and said "Let that be a lesson to you; never trust anyone."

My mom was always well known to be a pretty woman. I look like my dad.

When I started this blog it was basically just supposed to be about me going to different legions and something else I forget.
p.s. yes, I meant death eating tigers |

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