The Melissa Wish Foundation.

I just wanted to tell you about my friend Dave and how I am like maybe 2% in love with him because when he smiles ALL his teeth show, Farrah Fawcett style.
Dear Dave,
I have a womans red bathing suit. Please put it on and let the photo shoot happen.
K thnx
Also if I ever drew him in a cartoon he would travel by one method of transportation only and that method would be by piggyback because when you talk to him you are like wow this guy seems like he just came off a really great piggyback ride and also if there was a God who had any kinda say in anything he'd be like SOMEBODY GIVE THIS GUY A GODDAM PIGGYBACK RIDE; HE FUCKING DESERVES IT! Maybe, he would even have his own personal cult following of people who want to give him piggyback rides and one day he would come to my house with an extra piggybacker who would be equipped with some sort of golden harness for added piggyback comfort and then we would piggyback off into the sunset and then retire on the beach to stroking eachothers egos.
p.s. Kevin Federline looks like a dude from Hintonburg.
p.p.s. I hope that wasn't too creepy. |

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