the wind gave me aids or something

So I am moping around the house all hungver cus I dunno, rum and wine seemed like el excellento idea of things to combine and consume last night. I made up a new rule it's called 2 nights that I work I have to go straight home. No more drinking your face off till 4 in the morning and waking up making homemade orangina like PLEASE PLEASE make this better, then falling asleep on the couch, and not even remembering how you got home exactly except being pretty sure you took a cab and tried to pay him by accident in canadian tire money cus when you put on your jeans this little slip of canadian tire money brings back this brief snippet of memory. No more of that. Well less of that atleast.
K anyway, now that that's outta the way, I figured I should tell you about how I want to be a folk artist cus you just get to stay home and paint stuff that you found in someones garbage to look like animals and you can be brilliant undercover brilliant or maybe not brilliant at all. You are like fisherman sayings or something, stupid-smart. Anyway Im gonna form this offshoot branch of folk art because I can't just go live in the country somewhere and paint all my crap in my barn so I figure I will be like an urban folk artist. I'm gonna make stuff that's like country simple but out of extreme urban garbage, like I'm gonna make a porcupine out of a half deflated basketball and a shitload of old junkie needles. I'm gonna paint it all brown too and give it a goofy face but people will go apeshit for it and maybe they will attach strong social messages to it like WHEN YOU LET EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY BUDGETS DEFLATE THEN KIDS TURN INTO JUNKIES. I will make no comment about it like, I dunno the wind tells me what to make but maybe that's what it was saying. Anyway, I will rake in the big bucks for it because I COULDA CAUGHT AIDS!

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