I don't care about your world music collection.

I find it strange that people would be still be reading this cus lately it's like wow how about I just say gross stuff and come home all drunk and emotional and write a bunch of incoherant shit. That makes for some awesome reading. I am all angry embarrassed depressed lately and I can't concentrate on doing anything. I sleep half the day cus I wake up and but go back to bed because I decide that dreaming is more fun and then I wander around on some sort of sad-stupid-spend money-feel better autopilot.
ewww and then I talk about my emotions on the internet.
So tomorrow I am supposed to get my hair kinda dyed/highlighted or something so it looks less gross and that is supposed to totally change my worldview and make me love everything about my job and the fact that I live in Ottawa with my dad and how I spend my days wandering around my crappy neighbourhood or stockpiling craft supplies for the imaginary army of arts and crafts creations that I am aparently building and planning on sending out into the world to take over because I have some kind of fucked up arts and crafts megalomania, like I want to be bigger than Micheals. Oh yeah, it's also supposed to make me feel better that I hook up with dumb guys I dont even like who just piss me off because I am the 24 hour loner show and also somehow make the fact that I am starting to look like I got knocked up by Prince Igor go away and also make it ok that no one laughed at my Prince Igor joke cus they didn't get it because they dont spend their nights swilling back the cheapest vodka on the market.
I think what I am trying to say is that it is very important to STAY POSITIVE.

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