vitamins for kittens

I just wanted to tell you that this half of my family who moved to the states 20 some years ago is racist but I never knew till a couple years ago when my dad told me that my grandma was in some group that seems suspiciously like an offshoot of the kkk that got reinvented as a ladies charity group cus they are called tri-k appa and their logo is now a rose but it used to be a skull and cross bones. My grandma was here and yesterday at dinner she was telling us how our aunt didn't send her kids to some school because the person she talked to on the phone sounded black. That was dinner out in a restaurant, not at home, and you are like oh god grandma please shut up. Also that aunt is married to a cop so she caught extra racism off him I guess. Errrr besides that she is really sweet. A fair amount of people from the states read this, tell me about racism there or if you are racist or if you get racistized by racists. I am interested.
I talked to a bakery and I am going to put up pictures there I guess. Somebody should write me a pretentious artist bio. I am either gonna say I hate pretentious artist bio's or I am gonna write the most pretentious artist bio on the face of the planet to see if anyone gets the joke. I think I'll do that later tonight.
I just ate a whole box of these candies I got at the dollar store and they were delicious and I was going to write a letter to them telling them how good they were and I was sitting here thinking about what exactly to say and then I read the words "excess consumption may have a laxative effect" on the side of the package which put a bit of a damper on my inspiration. |

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