B3 there was 4 and the bingo hopefuls.
The thing about small towns is that eventually you have experiences with eveyrone in your age group and you hate going out because its just a big avoid talking to people fest and after awhile you start to think why the hell aren't I avoiding talking to the people Im talking to right now. iM DRUNK MAYBE WHEN IM MORE sober ill explain better. Basically I went out tonight and it ended up depressing me in that sad small town way. I might tell you about it later. I dunno, picture some random people from your past and maybe some crackheads adn also maybe some people you kinda cared about now imagine you are in room with them and everyone leads pretty sad lives and you are like wow this is a depressing thing to be a part of I dunno.Im only writing cus krista told me to.
On the happy side of the fence I burnt my ass fantastic and also I accidentally used rubA535 as toothpaste.
Plus I lost 20 dollars in a stupid bet tonight, and you wouldn't have paid me blah.
p.s. I made a pretty funny joke tonight that no one laughed at. |

8 comment(s):
Rub A535 is a nasty mistake to make. I laughed at the Chris joke if that's what you're referring to.
Anonymous, at
12:23 a.m.
i can't believe you broke your template with corn on the cob. imagine that emergency room explanation, well doc the cob just kinda...
i am offering my assistance in the blog template trauma ward.
Barbara Doduk, at
1:13 a.m.
yeah i know you laughed. I was just being drunk sooky or something I dunno.
thanks b
okay with my old template it works in blogger preview and it works on my friends mac but on most people computers ther are no more boxes and all the writing and pictures is pushed far over to the side. Do you know why that would be?
Melissa, at
6:10 a.m.
you couldnt be anymore right about about small towns. Iv lived in one my whole life. the people get really old and stale.
Nate James, at
12:54 p.m.
bad code. alignment or sizing issues. some computer browsers will fill in the blanks, others just will not.
you have to make sure you have the proper "width" to contain items noted in all the spots it asks for it in the code.
for pictures it maybe again a code that states alignment left, right, center. if this isn't stated in the code, the browser will stick the images where it wants.
Barbara Doduk, at
2:21 p.m.
I miss you!
Miss Monique, at
6:49 p.m.
b if i emailed you my template like the one i somehow messed up could you look t it to see if there is something you reckognize as being wrong with it?
Melissa, at
12:07 a.m.
sure thing, send away or give me admin status to access the template and see it as it is in blogger. i'll gladly look at it.
Barbara Doduk, at
11:55 a.m.
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