
My internet was down last night so I had to find stuff to do other than blog and troll around the internet looking for excitement. I painted this picture which is not supposed to be angelina jolie but ended up looking like her whatever. I was all hmm it needs something and then I realised what it needs is some painting skill. Whatever because my crowning glory of painting achievment last night is this box with a unicorn on it and it says "magic time".
I think I might store magic in the box. awesome.
meh actually I will probably just put make up in there and be all annoying like LIPSTICK IS MY MAGIC WAND.
Heres a tip ladies, don't call putting on make up; putting your face on, theres just something gross about it.

Then I watched tv. This was kinda an adventure cus I never watch tv. I took notes.
I watched blind date which I like because the host is named Roger Lodge.
I prefer to spell it Rodger Lodge.
Best non specifically dirty name ever.
Then I watched this show called intervention and it was about this young girl who was addicted to crystal meth and this older woman who was stealing from her mom to get botox and make up whatever. It made me cry a whole bunch. I dunno thats part of why I dont watch it cus I'm all waa waa sad crystal meth addict and then commercials come and I totally forget about it like wha? they warn you that erectile dysfunction drugs don't protect against std's? what fucking goons are they selling this to? then I cry some more at the addicts and then I feel less intelligent as a person when I see that the ad for the show is nickelback music over a montage of pictures of people holding hands and phrases like "you need help" running across the screen.
Also, what the hell anytime I watch the discovery channel they are like IT'S SHARK WEEK! Holy just admit that it's always shark week.
Also if you are a comedian don't write any jokes about tv because it has been obviously the most retarded thing around for awhile. Although it might be getting ousted of that spot by the internet or atleast myspace.
in my next post I will tell you about the mythical monsters club I used to have. |

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