swashbuckling millionaires

I am offically sick of drinking after work every night and I don't mean it in a holy crap what gross dude did I make out with...who pissed my bed...how the hell did I get here? kinda sick of it. I am sick of like I am sick of watching movies by the time you pop the third one in or sick of babysitting your bratty cousin or I am gonna tear my eyes out if I have to sit here and watch one more person gradaute sick of it.
My latest exuse for why I do it is that I have severe cabbie anxiety and I am waiting for a drive or putting off the cab attack, I dunno. The other day I got some other cabbie and I was telling him about the stalker cabbie and he was like if you are scared you can come sit in front with me. Gee thanks. Then when I got home he got out of his car and was like I'll walk you in. awesome.
I think I send out some vibe that is particularly attractive to sexual predators or something. The other day this old guy whizzes by on his bike and goes "nice tits!" which pissed me off whatever and then when I am walking back the opposite direction he whizzes by and says it again and I yell this big exhasperated SHUUUT UPPP and he turns around and I give him the finger but I can't enjoy the rest of my walk because I am looking back every thirty seconds to see if he's coming 'round again so I can kick him off his his stupid bike, maybe into traffic. I was debating if I should kick him into traffic or away from the road. Then when I got home I couldn't relax because I kept thinking about kicking his bike and watching him fall and scrape his face on the pavement and it was like when you think of the best come-back to worst insult in the world two minutes too late and you just play it over and over in your head, riding your fantasy situation like it's a fucking horse in a pathetic merry go round of rage.
p.s. who wants to come to bluesfest with me maybe tonight?
I think I got that job maybe but I am still waiting to hear but if I don't it I plan on making an escape for a week or so to PEI very soon, before I go into total nature withdrawal. Later on I will invent what the symptoms of nature withdrawal are.
ok peace! |

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