whatever Lola may desire

Sometimes I wonder with my pictures if I am one of those retards that is like THIS IS ART MUTHAFUCKERS and other people are like ummm no, it's really not, it's a bunch of fucking pictures of lamps and pictures you took of yourself in a mirror there fucknut.
If I can get home for a bit do you want to come to Shoreline with me?
this question applies to other friends too.
I just realised something. Last week a bunch of people were talking about the movie umm "I heart huckabees" which I have never seen but I thought they were talking about umm "the royal tenenbaums" and I was like PFFFFFTTT YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING RETARDS AFTER THE EMPORERS NEW CLOTHES IF YOU LIKE THAT MOVIE. Actually, I dunno if I said that I just was putting my fingers in my ears and making noise so I wouldn't have to listen to them talk about that movie and philosophy. I kinda hate both movies and philosophy and combined for some reason it makes insanity styles mad. I need to not listen because when someone is saying bler blah this movie blah existentialism bler blah philosophy blah blah worldview I hear bler blah HOLY SHIT SOMEBODY PUNCH ME IN THE GODDAM FACE. Errr,anyway I hope that movie blows too. |

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