keep your cool

I bought Freaky Friday and I am pretty sure that it is the best 12 dollars I ever spent. I am the most annoying movie person ever because I am like pffffft all your art movies blow; Freaky Friday now that is FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!
but seriously it is.
I have seen it I dunno how many times but still when Lindsay Lohan is going to school but she is really her mom inside I need to hide behind my pillow because I am soooooooo embarassed for her. Mix ups are the most hilarious premise for a movie ever. I don't care what anyone when the stepdad is trying to kiss his wife but really it's his stepdaughter I am like, oh-my-god IMAGINE HOW AWKWARD THAT WOULD BE-totally on the edge of my seat.
Also Lindsay's character's love interest "Jake" looks exactly how I want my imaginary teenage love interests to look so I understand how badly she is hurting that she can't make out with him because I am sitting there thinking oh my god somebody please freaky friday switch me into the t.v. so I can make out with him or I am going to die of infatuation overload.
Oh yeah and another funny part is when the kid is making fun of the grandpa like UHHHHH EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!
The theme of the next week is being healthy or atleast stopping getting fat. Someone told me I was getting fat yesterday by accident. Anyway, I am going to stop drinking ten million beers a day and excersize more than "I went for a long walk".
I went roller blading today and it is officially my new hobby. I predict a major wipe out before the end of the summer.
When I used to live with Jill v.2 we would go rollerblading all the time but I still never got very good at it. She was elegance and grace on wheels spinning around and skating backwards and I was this big breasted retard lumbering along 40 ft behind her. That summer we became completly obsessed with chestnuts. We had this big plastic punchbowl out on the porch full of chestnuts we had collected and we'd sit out there peeling the spikey shells off them and marveling at the smoothness underneath. We even invited friends over to do it with us; the neighbours must of thought we were fucking retarded. We had a spare room dedicated solely to costumes. We even had clothes for the cat. Westley the cat is around 22 pounds. He had a skirt, a cordouroy bra and this fringed brown suede vest that was absolutely killer on him.
P.S. I can't stop thinking about Freaky Friday and there is WAY more parts that I want to talk about but I am holding it all in.
P.P.S. I cry at the end right before they get switched back. Also the part at the concert thing when Jamie Lee Curtis starts rocking out is corney/fucking awesome. |

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