happy gay day

I went to the beach today, or Ottawa's version of a beach anyway, which equates to an acre of rocky sand by the river, 5 lifeguards and a sign that says no swimming. I guess that there is delicious amounts of bacteria in the water making it unsafe. Beautiful days like this make me miss P.E.I. like crazy. I start to really go gay thinking about it. I actually think the words OH HOW I LOOOOONNNNNNNGGGG TO BE THERE.
It'll do that to a person tho. My mothers house is at the top of a beautiful rolling green type hill. You can lay outside in the sun totally naked and no one will see you. You can walk to places that will make you forget about everywhere else on earth. When you are there all you can do is think about staying there and being with friends and maybe going boating and smelling this wonderful fresh air. You will hear windchimes maybe on a cottage and think to yourself how glad you would be to sit there and just listen to those boring windchimes all day cus nothing could be more amazing than this exact spot. When you are bored in the summer you can just drive for hours. You can get a popsicle at gas station two hours from your house and your day will feel complete. You will want to drink on a patio like insanity styles. I keep thinking about how it feels when you go to the beach and the salt and the sun curl your hair and it makes you feel so natural and beautiful and later on in the day when you take a shower and it feels so refreshing or when you go to the beach at night and you make a fire and just pile cool sand all over your legs.
You could still listen to wave noises at this beach which was nice. I'll prolly go back cus I like waves and I like how you dont have to wear much clothes.
I really hate marashino cherries existing, like I hate them with a passion. I just think they are soooooo disgusting for sitting around in red dye forever. This woman at the beach was telling her mom how one of her kids ate a whole bowl of marashino cherries and I really wanted to pipe up and talk about how much I hate them. At work I sometimes try to hide them because I don't want the servers garnishing drinks with them. One guy will put it right into the drink and it drives me insane because if I got that as a drink I would send it back.
My blog is gay. I can't even stand to read it myself so it's prolly all full of errors. |

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