I like steam's flattening powers

One very lame temptation of mine is to write about blah blah this is how my stand up went last night but I am like whoa don't be that person.
In the last month or so I started nosing around myspace because comedians are obsessed with it and they all have blogs on there and they are 98% of the time really boring lalala this thing you dont care about happened etc etc. I find it strange because you'd think if youre a writer that you would treat a blog as a writing excersize and not some online diary for you to talk about the lame crap you are obsessing about. It's annoying to me when people think that blogs are diaries because diaries are the most boring/embarrasing things ever invented. Diaries are what you talk to when all your friends are like holy shit I am totally gonna disown you if I have to sit here and listen to you obsess about that thing no one cares about aside from you anymore. I tried to re-read the last diary I kept and it is just all blah blah I like this guy, oh now I'm dating him teehee and then ten million entries about how I want to maybe break up with him and then I finally do.
I dunno why anyone would be interested in hearing a super deluxe expanded edition of that synopsis.
It's my own life and even I can't stand to hear about it.
oh yeah, and I don't mean I cant stand to hear about it because I am like OH MY GOD I CAN'T RE-LIVE THE EMOTIONAL PAIN; I mean I can't stand to hear about it because it is seriously just really boring.
I was gonna talk about something totally different and now I can't remember.
I dunno, Ottawa is too hot for me. I try and go outside for excersize but I get too hot so I never get very far. Lately I just stay in and dance around to Dolly Parton with myself in my mirror in my room. I think that officially makes me so uncool that I'm cool or something, or maybe it boomerangs from uncool to cool back to uncool.
Either way, I'm very popular with myself. |

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