the fountain of bad dudes

Whatever me and this guy Scott just got in the middle of some guy bent over yelling at this girl who was all slumped over on the pavement crying a whole bunch. The yeller guy then started getting mad at us and these other concerned people for trying to seperate them. We are like umm just go away and he was all fine I will walk two blocks away but then come back and demand to know if you guys are like PROFESSIONALS or something. Then he was all WAY TO PLAY THE HERO to Scott and threatening to beat him up. Oh yeah, and according to the yeller guy, interupting his verbal bombardment of this girl is some clever kind of pick up move or something. Also he had that scraggly, fucked up, drunken-thirty something year old, trashy basement apartment dweller look to him and the girl was young twenties and had that head shaven, wrap skirt, fucked-up-childhood, currently trying to find self esteem in the hippie mentality look to her.
One time I dated this gross white trash guy who yelled at me all the time and threatened to get me beaten up. He'd constantly phone me up to accuse me of fucking dudes while I was talking to him. If I didnt talk to him he'd show up on my lawn and yell about how slutty I was for not talking to him.
I never really tell anyone about it because I find it hugely embarassing. |

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