the very smartest artist

That is the new dress I am getting but I had to put it on layaway cus I spent all my money on material and picture frames before I fell in love with the dress. I am as pretty as an ice cream sundae in it.
For real.
I am already day dreaming about all the places I can wear it and how everyone will want to be my friend on account of my being so pretty and proper in it. I also got heart shaped buttons for my sweater. I am so in love with crafts and myself.
At the mall there were a bunch of twelve-ish year old kids there and they were like *at camp* but I guess that they were on a field trip which was just to go to the mall and they had to do "kind acts" so they were just like holding the door open for people and offering candy to strangers. I didn't see any camp leaders around; the kids were just kinda free range wandering around the mall doing this weird stuff. What the hell, that has to be the worst camp ever. Dumping kids at the mall is not a fucking camp activity plus it wasn't even a niceish mall it was the dumpy old walmart mall that's just full of senior citizens, poverty cases and the vaquely handicapped.
I got the frames because I decided to try and sell some photos somewhere but I am kind of nervous anxiety about trying to get somewhere let me put up any photos because I feel like they will be all HAhahahaha YOU ARE NOT AN ARTIST! laughing at how I suck when I walk away. Art is stupid, I dunno.
Oh yeah I went to the strippers last night with a bunch of people from work and one of the comedians and these two comedian groupie girls that I think were maybe wanting to have a threesome with the comedian. They were pretty gross cus one was just gone for a long time and then she came back and I asked where she went and she had been like fucking the other ones husband in the car or something weird. The wife was like yeah we're like that all big smile at me and I was uhh yeah whatever. Also she was like all hey I wear a super low cut top cus I'm just a tiny bit fat. They were saying something about how it's nice that most girls had a threesome before but I somehow thought that they were talking about knitting and I was like OH YEAH IS IT EVER! and then I went on this long rant about my knifty knitter and how it was so great and how I could knit hats at lightning speed and then they were all like uhhh we meant most girls are into threesomes not knitting and was all oh. They were pretty trashy sluts but they charmed me by saying I looked like neve campbell, which whatever I don't; people are just obsessed with thinking I look like actresses.
Also p.s. whatever I would be an amazing stripper, except that I might burst into tears in the middle of a lapdance or something it's hard to say how that would feel.

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