velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

mr & mrs snowman

Okay I want to make a documentary where I join a bunch of stupid community college programs to see what kind of people get together for dog bite prevention class and what kind of people of people get together once a week to embellish pillows and what kind of people actually go to the class called "the art and science of making wishes". I think it would be a pretty good documentary. Anyone want to help me?

For now I think I am just gonna write a joke about the courses. By write a joke I mean read the book out loud. I'll get back to you on how that goes.

I felt like I was gonna say something else.....maybe it was just umm don't hate me cus I'm gross.

Anyway Ill maybe take some pictures today. Also I am wearing man shorts or dyke shorts or something I don't know why Im protesting against jeans and skirts I guess.

Oh yeah and people should come to the show tomorrow cus I get free drinks after work.


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