urine trouble mister!
Okay I am about to tell you how I am gross.Errr last night I went with Char from work and friends to karaoke and then to the 24 hour diner and there was this guy in the diner who I decided that I hated because he kinda made fun of my hair being in braids so I made fun of his trendy faux-hawk and then he just got like umm whatever I am way better than you and I was like listen buddy I am awesome, sooooo much awesomer than you, and he was all like scoffing and condesending like OH MY GOD SHE SAID AWESOMER AND THAT'S NOT EVEN A REAL WORD. So then he's like exuse me m'am I'm sorry that by initiating conversation with you I made it seem like I wanted to talk to you but I don't I'd just like to eat with my friends blah blah more condesending shit, then he was like holding up his hand trying to tell the waitress on me. Anyway, I left but then I went back inside and peed in a cup in the bathroom and walked by their table and casually left it there and then jumped in a cab so that he couldn't throw pee on me but he tried to throw it on Char but she was ready for it and averted it.
I can't decide if I'm funny or just really really disgusting and fucked up.
p.s. *friendly reminder*
If you want to tell me that I am disgusting and fucked up in the comments you have to style your comment as a haiku.
k thnx |

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