I present to you the unicorn tamer.
It's irritating me to have my gross fucking bruise and waa waa talk as the front page story on my blog which is basically the only reason I am quickly posting now while I have ten minutes.I have a new hobby/stupid get rich quick scheme which is folk art painted dishes. So far I painted one plate. It has a mermaid on it. I can show you tomorrow. I keep having dish fantasies like how my life is perfect and how I have the coolest dishes in all the land. Whatever, I am retarded.
I decided last night to actively pursue getting a pseudo boyfriend cus I drink too much and I'm lonely.
attention candidates!
You will get to do super fun stuff like play with my hair and tell me I'm not fat. Also I will leave a bunch of my crap at your house all the time. Some other fun activities you'll get to enjoy are me telling you how I'm bored 24 -7 and chasing you around like all hunched over and stupid being like blarghg blaaagaghagahag when youre trying to do stuff like cook dinner or whatever. Also I will probably wear pajamas at your house and fart a lot and I will bring you weird things like maybe rocks I painted, used keychains and old vhs videos etc.
Oh yeah, also tonight I am doing stand up but instead of telling jokes I am just gonna do impressions of imaginary people at community college courses because I am embarrassing. |

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