wave pools suck.
I didn't take any pictures instead, I slept all day and had nightmares. I didn't do anything useful or fun. Actually, NOT TRUE. I vaccummed my room but now all the shit that was on my floor is on my bed and I am not looking forward to dealing with it.Tomorrow I am definately going to concentrate on regrowing some brain cells or something. I feel like a sack of moron if I don't start doing something other than sleeping and drinking I will regress into a braindead retard. My only pleasure will become like, potatoe chips and I will start watching tv every night, nothing in particular, just sitcom re runs and I dunno, MuchMusic and maybe that show where men compete with starving grizlly bears to eat the most hotdogs. I will start a workplace lottery pool to feel powerful. Other people will offer to pass the envelope around collecting the money and names of lottery pool participants and I will be like NO THIS IS MY JOB! I AM IMPORTANT! and I will compile a mailing list of all the participants and email them right away as soon as the lottery numbers come out. This will give me a sense of pride and value. I will say stuff like OH MY GOD WE WERE SO CLOSE because we were only two digits off a big win or something. Also I will maybe be like POTLUCK TIME and I will think about the potluck for two weeks in advance. I will plan a really amazing dish and be obsessing about it. When I go to bed at night I will fantasize about the upcoming potluck, imagining it over and over again in my head; how everyone will be really impressed with my dish and I will make photocopies of the recipe before the big day to hand out to all the "fans" I intend on creating at the potluck. Or maybe I won't turn that version of braindead; instead I will just get really fat and haggard from drinking so much and I will start sleeping with absolutely everyone. I will get listed as like coming with the condo at work and everynight I will be like blowing strange men and then puking in their suitcases or something gross like that. Eventually I'll stop participating in personal hygiene. I'll just find grosser and grosser men to get with a drunker and drunker me until I get kicked out of the condo and then become some kind of wandering pseudo whore. One day I'll wake up in Renfrew or something and have no idea how I got there. I dunno where I'm going with this one actually. The point was supposed to be that as of tomorrow I am doing something productive OR ELSE! |

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