cold hearts may paint rooms warm colours

So since I am alone all daytime usually I spend a lot of time in coffee shops and restaurants listening in on other people's conversations. I listen to a lot of two person casual business lunches and I noticed that what seems to be the thing to do if you are having a casual business lunch is to repeat certain key words and phrases over and over again as much as possible. It gets to sounding kind of ridiculous a lot of the time, like these people were seriously issued a list of words and expressions that they have to use and build a conversation out of, sort of like in those corney improv games. I was taking notes on the converstaion I was listening to today because obviously I am God's head reporter on what goes on in the coffee shop. The list of key words and expressions to be used in today's casual business date were as follows:
wow factor
dog and pony show
introduce the generalists
The best part about it tho was that the guy kept saying "dog and pony show" and the woman no joke kept saying "HOTdog and pony show". It was double funny because they were all serious but you could tell that he was thinking why does she keep making it into a hot-dog? He didn't say anything about it, but he was extra making a point to repeat the expression DOG and pony show in his responses everytime after she called it a hotdog and pony show.
In other news, Amanda and I stayed up till quarter to six in the morning watching blind date episodes on youtube from her bed. In case you are wondering, I have done the research and it still fucking hilarious to hear Rodger Lodge say "I'm Rodger Lodge" even if you just already heard him say it 15 times. He should get a dirty sex act named after him.
Winter depression has been making it's moves to take over my life. I skipped most of my drama class and then I came home and layed sideways face down in my bed in the dark for a bit. I had a daydream that there was a computer in front of me with a screen full of water like a window to the ocean and of me writing out a message that said "I am in my room, lying down in the dark" and putting it into a bottle and tossing it into the computer screen. Then I got up and painted that painting.
p.s. I know that Roger Lodge doesn't spell Roger with a D in it but I think that adding the D emphasizes the obscure dirtiness of his name. |

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