Infinity TIMES TEN

I went to the war museum today. It was neat and sad and scarey. After awhile of being in there I started to feel really weird and sad thinking about war and seeing kids run around fake trenches pretending to shoot eachother and looking at their comment art which was weird stuff like puns with "peace" in them. Give "peas" a chance with a drawing of peas, Paix-peroni Peace-a with a drawing of a pizza.
Congrats on the bilingual pun kid, totally not gonna stop a war with it but, *GOOD ONE* all the same.

They had Hitler's car in there. I wanted to touch it. I wonder if Hitler ever thought his car would end up in a museum. Probably yes, just a different sort.

There was a lot of sad pictures of starving and dead people.
Some letter some kid wrote his dad who died before he got it.
I cried a little bit.
You start to feel guilty after awhile that you aren't really reading about all the stuff but it's overwhelming. It's weird looking at bullet holes and knowing the bullet that made that hole went into a person. Inevibility of war is too big for me to think about, let alone talk about so I'm done. I left feeling I need a beer so I walked up to Chinatown and got myself hooked up with one. Walked around downtown some and came home.

Okay about ten years ago or more one day I was thinking about our brains ability to remember pointless details and thinking about Archie comic books as an example. Thinking kinda about how long will I remember all the archie characters names and what not and I started to get paranoid that when I died and my life flashed by in my mind that it would just be pointless memories like Betty vs. Veronica and for some reason that thought stuck with me so I have an ongoing paranoia that my last thoughts will be about Archie comic books because now I have been thinking about the paranoia for ten years. Once I was in a scarey car accident where I thought I was going to die and my last thoughts were not Archie related; had I died, my last thoughts would have been HOLY SHIT! I'M GONNA DIE NOW.

When I was living in Charlottetown with the Jill's and Will this collection agency lady called me one day because I owed money on an old phone bill. I'm pretty sure she was the meanest woman I have ever spoken to. Even for a collection agent she was harsh and low. She just called and was YELLING at me that she needed me to give her X amount of dollars in X amount of time and she was saying she was gonna get the phone, which was not even in my name, disconnected if I didnt pay by then. I was like umm you cant just get my roomates phone disconnected and she was telling me that she could even tho GOD YOU CANT DO THAT. Anyway, I was all stressed out from talking to her when I left for class that night and when I got back home the Jills had bought me an old baby doll at Value Village and hid it under a blanket on the couch for me as a present to cheer me up. They were all We got you something! It's under the blanket! cus they are funny and creepy. At any rate, I had a terribly brilliant idea of what to do with the baby and so I wrote up a note adressed to the collection agent that said dear Ms. Wall, Please accept my first born child as payment. and then on the baby I drew a tear coming down it's face and a talk bubble that said I miss my mommy.
I never got around to getting her adress and sending it to her and I regret it.
Andy says:
dont you hate when ppl set their msn names to something lame like "~*Crystal*~ What do you say at a moment like this...When you can't find the words to tell it like it is.?!? (I'll give you everything I have, both the good and the bad thanks for everything today, it means alot. ~*Sleeping*~ RIP Danny."
Melissa says:
Andy says:
and this crystal one from work has had cheesier
Melissa says:
i hate when people rip someone in msn names
Andy says:
yea that's lame
Melissa says:
what an honour you rip'ed me in your msn name
Andy says:
RIP Dimebag
Melissa says:
Melissa says:
im totally changing my name to that
P.S. Betty vs. Veronica?
hands down.

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