I feel like the inside of a toilet

I am awake ridiculously early cus I am hungover and can't sleep. Edited out name and link in post I made last night. Also last night I forgot to mention that I got the same fucking creepo cabbie. The guy that always calls you sweet and asks you if you are getting laid only he calls it a real tight squeeze. What the fuck....I do not understand how I keep getting this guy.
Ryan used to have website called b-l-o-y-c-e spotting where a bunch of people recorded their encounters with Summyside's own innapropriate cab driver and I swear to god in a city of 15000 or so I got him as a cabbie as much as I get this guy in city of 1 million. The B spotting website was really funny but then Ryan had to take it down because someone told the guy about it and now B tells people he's gonna find that guy and beat him up. Pretty funny stuff. Ryan you should put the intro up somewhere so I can link to it.
Oh, so far today I look and feel like shit. Look out world here I come. Actually look out couch I'm totally gonna try and nap on you. |

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