dark humour me
I didn't have anything to do today so I went for a bit of a walk and took a bunch of pictures. I climbed in between these twp buildings and tried to take a million cool pictures they didn't turn out so hot. I think when I get my new/old canon back it might work better. Anyway I climbed up pretty high in between the two walls today. It's on a busy street and people were walking by and mostly I think they didn't notice me but I am sure that if you did walk by you would think what the hell is that girl doing ten feet up in the air in an alleyway taking pictures of herself?? I mention this because I feel like some people might read that kinda stuff and think whoa that girl is crazy. I'm not really, I know its strange, I just don't care. I don't have much to do and I don't care too much what people think is all...I dunno I've always been that way. People in my hometown know me for walking around by myself like a goof singing and dancing down the street. It's just kinda my thing I guess. I wanted to explain that it's not cus I'm crazy.
I also went to this thrift store and tried on stupid used clothes that I couldn't even afford and didn't want anyway and did an in-change-room photo shoot. God somebody needs to TAKE ME OUT. By somebody I mean a girl, or someone I know in real life or a handsome hilarious young millionaire who is madly in love with me and finds the fact that I do that kinda stuff when I'm bored incredibly quirky and endearing rather than vain and social deseasey.
Oh by the way I thought of an add on to hilarious internet suicide hijinks. After posting the suicide smiley and my last emo post I could kill myself by reading my blog and making a drinking/suicide game out of it, like everytime I read the word "like" I had to have a drink and everytime I read "or something" I'd have to pop a pill. Maybe I could do something with the slutty pictures too, like everytime one came up I'd slice up my arm or something lame. Suicide Gold.
Okay so I have been really trying to work on my stand up act but the thing is I don't find most of the jokes I come up with that funny. The jokes I think are funny are just too fucking gross and out there that people wouldn't get it so I am having a bit of INNER TURMOIL about the whole thing.
So I made it through a whole week and not a sip of alcohol. IN YO FACE SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING! I will probably drink tomorrow but I think I have learnt a valuable lesson that I am more ambitious when not drinking so much. I also learnt that excessive eating is the new excessive drinking which reminds me about my pizza heating up. I'm getting kinda fat, for real this time.
The reason btw that I have the girl blogs listed at the top is that I find guy blogs kinda boring. Sorry Guys.
I saw on the news today that Paul McCartney was in PEI to protest the seal hunt. Last year Macgyver actor guy was there and that was a big deal to people. The celebrities are probably just encouraging the seal hunt. PEI is a small place, it's prolly like sweet, keep clubbin those baby seals and see if the rest of the Beatles come over.
Oh yeah on the subject of PEI, what's with the new lame ads for PEI? They say "where family entertainment doesnt come with a late fee" What the fuck is that? "COME TO PEI, IT'S BETTER THAN RENTING A MOVIE!" pffffft. Oh yeah and our new motto is "the gentle island" it should be "the ultimate baby seal brutality island" and we can do a spin like "COME TO PEI WHERE YOU CAN SEE PAUL MCCARTNEY FOR FREE!!!" I couldn't think of a wittier spin, sorry about that.
I'm also sorry that I can't get over myself in curly hair and hair bandanas.

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