velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

better get your hopes up!

The drinking needs to stop cus I feel gross every morning and I don't sleep. I also gave away 20 dollars but last night I liked to call it me playing poker. I'm not coherant yet. It's the kinda day where I'm not sure if coherancy is coming to me. I don't even know if coherancy is a word.

I feel like I need to update on the saga of the man slut because he kinda apologized last night and explained it a bit even tho his explanation is still lame. bler blah bluh this is is me UN-shit talking him. This is me still with no lover. This is me still drinking too much every night I work and telling the internet that I'm hungover and I can't sleep the next day. This is me remembering that masturbating is spelt with a u and I spelt it wrong however many posts ago.

Oh yeah, and he said it was creative of me to spell out slut with cards and point it at him. What can I say? I'm an artist.


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