charm master

Hey remember this winter when I went insane? I had long hair then.
I am looking thru pictures from the winter. What the fuck? it was like hmmm today maybe I will put a scarf on my head and take pictures and also look its me taking a picture of myself in granny panties from behind.....also there are pictures of people that I know from work and I am looking at them thinking I KNEW YOU THEN??? I don't think I really noticed anyone all winter but apparently I sometimes took pictures of them. I dunno, it's strange.
I am fucking glad that all that is over with.

I am back to regular Melissa crazy which is just whatever, the usual, with bursts of suddenly not being able to stand my job, my date and my place of residence. Which is actually pretty frustrating cus I am starting to have one of those now where I feel like I will explode if I don't change absolutely everything. I've seriously been pretty good lately. I mean I have been at this job continuously for longer than I have worked anywhere else. I have a never satisfied problem altho I don't think I should have ever been satisfied with any of my jobs or situations before so maybe everyone else has satisfied too easily problems, I dunno. Another thing I have history of besides quitting jobs after a short time, is dumping boyfriends after a short while. Also after I dump my boyfriends I like to say I AM INVITED TO YOUR HOUSE WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT AND YOU HAVE TO FOOL AROUND WITH ME WHENEVER I WANT YOU TO AND YOU CAN'T MESS AROUND WITH ANYONE ELSE!!!!
p.s. I posted a million times since last night, read them all.

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