you are a crappy dancer

Okay it is morning and I'm still kinda cranky and bored of everything...pfffft I just signed into my msn and last night I changed my name to "fuck you world" hahahhahaha
I'm fucking retarded.
Why the hell am I up so early? and why can't it be nice out today? I want to be at the beach at night with a fire listening to waves, rolling sand onto my legs and picking it up and letting it fall onto the back of my hand in little pyramids.
Anyway, instead I'm holed up in my fathers house on a rainy day at 8:30 in the morning in OTTAWA where the only beach I've ever been to had sand so coarse it's like it got shaken off a sheet of heavy duty sandpaper. bleh. Since I am pointless and angry I have decided to make a list of...
Things you could get mad about but it would be extremely boring and pointless to bother doing so.
1. How the world refuses to acknowledge the penny.
2. Why isn't there birth control for men?
3. Tampons and pads are SOOOO expensive!
4. Why do kids eat for free? What about non parents? Where's OUR discount?
5. Human rights violations. BOOOOOOORRRINNNNG!
okay I ran out of ideas for that.
I want to write my book. The problem is that it doesn't have a plot so I can never really work on it. |

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