we're going to newfoundland; it has a pool!

I am kind of melancholy tonight. This whole week was a giant anti-climactic affair. Nothing fun happened, and I feel kinda sad about it. I apologize for being boring but most things are lately. All week felt like when you go to a party and you think it will be fun but instead it is a super lame party and you regret going kinda but you have nothing else to do and also maybe you are sad because before you went to the party you made a special effort to wash some certain item of clothing and you styled your hair and you did your make up all nice and shaved and found your perfume but once you are at the party you are like oh my god why? because it might as well be a wal-mart staff party and you don't even work at wal-mart, you are just like oh awesome I dressed up for a bunch of half wit retards I don't know and don't care about and maybe you were secretly wishing that some guy you had a crush on would be there and you feel all despondant that he's not but you don't even have anyone around to admit that to . Some people must feel like that all the time.

That's my sister in the "coral" dress. I guess she is all almost all grown up now since she had a prom. She is better than me at pretty much everthing except I could maybe sing better than her and also I could totally drink her under the table. I am the fuck up daughter but my mom still loves me. Thanks mom! Dear God please never read this.
I never went to my year end prom cus I dunno, it wasn't my style or maybe I didn't live around where it was, whenever it was. I graduated early. Not because I wasa super acheiver but because I was a super arguer that was like umm why don't you let me graduate now SCHOOL? I'll just drop out if you don't let me and god knows you don't need anymore drop outs soiling your reputation. I had to say that for a week straight. I went to my graduation but I majorly regretted it because it was just me sitting around saying wow I don't care about any of these people and afterwards I went and got drunk with a couple girlfriends in this fake boat play structure. It was still day and kids were there with their parents but the parents were outside the boat and we were inside it saying hey kids and downing 2 litre coolers. Can anyone remember when I started to drink so much? We drank a lot then kinda. Or every weekend but maybe that's normal I dunno.

ewwww you know what I fucking hate when people say "yeah but what is normal?"
you know whats fucking normal?
saying "what is normal?"
worst rhetorical question ever.

It might seem like I hate all people lately but I don't.
I think it is time for me to go on a mini vacation. I don't know if I have the money to tho. I need to find another job but I have atleast 4 mini vactions planned in the next few months and I don't feel like starting anew job and then asking for a million days off. Also this summer Mark is coming to visit and so is James.
Anyway I think I am going to create another ms pain masterpeice to cheer myself up.
hahahhahaa best typo ever. my ms paint masterpeice isn't a pain filled one but I will make two now. |

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