counting down the days to a good time
My computer seriously just exploded inside like crashed with this big blow up noise and then restarted and so now I am paranoid that someone planted a mini bomb in my computer and that was a trick to scare me and next they will be in my bed like hello internet slut.......I blew up your lover a.k.a. "the internet"........ and now I will kill you! SCAREY!Okay I am crazy. I admit it.......pffft if I was more crazier then my blog would be more popular again. Back in the day when I was losing my mind and taking off my clothes a bunch this blog was unstoppable but nowadays people are like ducks and sanity? BOOOOOOORRRRIIINGGGG.
k bye
also p.s.
the other day I went to giant tiger and then I walked only two an half blocks and then went to the drugstore and the clerk was putting my stuff in a bag and I was all "hey thats cool I have a giant tiger bag" and then it turned out that I didnt have a ginat tiger bag, like I miraculously lost it in the short two block walk and I went back and looked for it everywhere but it was nowhere to be seen and I told Amanda that I think maybe it was magic and she was like .........ummmm Melissa; it wasn't magic.

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