your rusty bedroom moves

Lately I don't sleep at home. Sometimes I get kind of weird like that. I hate to sleep at home. I just want to sleep in people's beds and on their couches. I don't really know why. It's a big reason why I havn't been blogging is that I am never home. Also there is always worker men in my house now. Get used to it fuckers.
Last night we smoked some pot and sat out and enjoyed the outside on the balcony. We is Amanda and I. Her balcony is pretty much like that carnival ride you are on and you notice that there is about three screws missing and you just pray to God that those screws arent important so we were planning all our plans for when the balcony collapsed in such and such a way. We started to get really into it and planned about what we would do if the whole building collapsed. The bricks just crumbling into the next door building and they topple like dominos. If that ever happens we will quickly climb on top of the commotion and find some kind of makeshift surfboard and we will ride the chaos and destruction till the end of the street below us. You will see people trying to jump out their windows being crushed and screaming for help and we will be on top of it all all surfs up style. The people being crushed will also wear bright neon type early 90's clothes, just for comedic purposes.
I have crazy spring fever and I need a spring fling holy shit. The deal is off with my egyptian boy toy on account of him doing a complete 180 and being a big fuck ass and leaving with some other girl in front of me and also bragging about how he had me lalala. Where the hell do I find these guys? Anyway whatever I am stupid crazy on the street like ooooo boys which I never do except for maybe once a year whatever. Also about a million people are hitting on me but they are weird rapper guys who sit with me on the bus or guys who wink and wave and whatever. I look like crap today and everywhere I went it was all hey girl from boys who I think maybe like me cus I am singing out loud or something so maybe they think I'm bat shit crazy and that would be good in bed I don't know. None of them are cute tho, shit.
I worked at this gallery opening thing yesterday and holy shit I hate artists. This fucking pretentious weirdo dude kept trying to make me analyse all my photographs and I was just telling him that I don't do that, which was not an answer he was willing to accept. From now on I should tell all artists that my pictures represent how when people over analyse stuff that they miss out on the beauty of things. I will say it really really bullshity too and confuse them. I hate that shit, whatever. Also he was saying just all this dumb stuff about stand up comedy like kind of saying that REALLY funny comedians just go onstage and have absolutely nothing planned about what they are gonna say like they just get up there and free style everything and he didn't seem to get that that is the biggest bullshit ever. Also he was all interested in this baby but treating it like some freaky deaky creature to the baby's mom and saying to her it's weird because its almost like a little person. Ummmm how about it is a little person retard.
Also at the opening was that guy who chased after me from the coffee shop the other day but he didn't really talk to me or acknowledge that he had done that but he still stayed there and talked to strangers and so I hope that is just a weird chance thing and not that he is following me.

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