grandslam usa

Crystal called me and we talked forever and she was made cookies and ate them while she was on the phone with me so I wanted cookies so I made cookies. Congradulations myself. That's on the cookies, not so much on the sentance structure. You know what fucking sucks? when you are a kid and you want to help bake cookies and your mom is like well you can grease the pan like that is some thrilling amazing thing but you know that it is just the crappy part of cookie making that she doesn't want to do. Also when mom's are like here is a fun job-follow me around while I carry this laundry and you can pick up the socks and underwear I drop. Wow mom the fun never stops when I help you does it?
All my friends in PEI are extremely domesticted, almost all the girls I know have live-in boyfriends and babies. I found out that one of my old friends is pregnant with her second baby. Holy. It's just kinda funny because I am here on the phone like oh I mighta founda summer fling. Just different worlds. Sometimes I feel like the girl with the one way ticket in the cowboy junkies song.
Amanda and I have just hatched a brilliant plan to become the queens of all circles involved in writing, comedy, film and television whatever when we move to Toronto. We will throw amazing parties which people will all want to desperately to get invited to, but only truly fun people will be allowed. When you attend one of our parties you will have to dress up maritime style white trash to help further inflate our egos about our good looks. No guys allowed without sweatshirts tucked into their pants. We, in the meantime, will be dressed as pirates with crowns and will get extremely drunk and obnoxious and make the same lame pirate jokes all night but our guests will treat everything we say and do as tho it is all incredibly witty and charming.
the end.
p.s. you know what's funny? that in my head I am like SORRY guys that there hasn't been many pictures of ME lately. I know how much you all ADORE to see me. haha I'm conceited. |

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