countdown to tax time!

If you would like to be annoying here is some stuff you could do.
When someone goes to take a picture in your general direction, give them the finger. They will appreciate the sentiment later on. You will also look extremely cool. You will be practically as cool as Johnny Cash. Please remember to do this in all pictures, especially if they are using a film camera. The owner of such camera has limited shots and they no doubt wanted a few pictures of people giving them the finger. Maybe that is all they want, they are probably planning to make a collage of people giving them the finger so that they can invite people to their house and show off their collection of bad ass friends. A collage of 20 different people giving you the finger will get you laid in this crazy world.

Add me to msn. Now when you talk to me, don't explain who you are or why you added me. Maybe you should try and pretend that I added you. You will appear much cooler that way. Also knock on strangers doors and when they answer be all tired like they just woke you up and say "what do you want?". Anyway, back to msn, add me, then ask who I am, then when I am like WHO ARE YOU??? just skip over the whole subject of how/why you added me. Brush it off with a series of lol's. Just say so how are you? and lol and send me lots of emoticons. Actually only send me emoticons. Emoticons are the new english and I'd rather not bother with the old one.

Look at my blog. Be like whoa way to take a million pictures of yourself. Now decide that I must feel that I am extremely good looking and that it is your duty to let me know that I am not. Randomly tell me that I am not pretty. I need to know on account of me being so delusional. Obviously I only take pictures of the top ten best looking people in the world and think that I am one of them. Your job is to set the record straight.

Come to work drunk and without your glasses. Get me to tie your shoes. Ask me to read chits out loud to you and refuse to even go look for your glasses. Be six foot four and just kind of stand behind the bar and wobble around some. I need somebody smashing into the glasses and spilling shit or work is just boring. Be fifty and tell me what teenagers you find hot. I am interested. Cut yourself and bleed profusely but don't notice that you are bleeding. I would like you to just drip blood on some drinks and in the ice, all over the floor on the gun etc...eventually some people will tell you that you are bleeding and that you should leave the bar, at this point in time it would be wise of you to argue with them incoherantly, just stand there flinging your hands and blood around telling them you're the boss. When you get fired get your job back by threatening suicide. This will make the workplace more comfortable for all parties involved.

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