delicate adventures are "in" right now

I went way out to the suburbs today to go to the material store and for some reason it really stressed me out. Everyone on the bus and at the station seemed weird, like there was this girl with HUGE eyes that looked almost on the verge of popping out of her head and I was all thank God when she got off the bus. Also there was this creepy guy with these huge square sunglasses that kinda wrapped around his entire head like a plastic box got stuck on his face and I was all paranoid that he was following me. Besides all this, I hate suburbs so much it is weirdly half panic inducing for me to be out there. That's kind of a crazy thing to say, but it makes me feel I have been abandoned in this specialised version of hell which is just some horrible labyrinth of strip malls. I think it is because I don't have a car and it is so non-walking friendly. I feel really weird too about seeing all the stores and restaurants and thinking about all the people who work at them, like I imagine working there everyday and how aweful it would be.

I am also feeling paranoid lately because people seem to think that stalking me is a good joke to make but I do not like it.
I sliced open my finger at work yesterday and it is still bleeding and it hurts and also I can feel my pulse in that finger now and it's weird.
All week I got drunk and told people at work about my blog and told them that I am really popular which is funny cus I'm not.

Here is a story.
I used to be friends with this girl named Moira who lived a few houses down from me when I was a kid. She had three other sisters. It seemed like her parents shouldnt have mated because all of the kids had a million and one allergies and other ailments asthma type stuff. Anyway, she had an older sister named Hannah who was going blind. She couldn't see at night and she couldnt look at anythign bright. You know when you stare at a light for too long and it kinda burns into your eye for a bit? ~with her it would just stay burnt, so she had to be careful and wear shades a lot of the time. I never liked her cus she was pretty mean and very churchy. She was always kinda preaching to Moira and I, like she was very holier than thou but I dunno what for, we were only about 10, it's not as if we would have been out sinning all night or anything. One time she freaked out at us and then jumped out of a window and ran away and I think we were all yeah you go run to church crazy. I don't actually remember that incident so hot. That family eventually moved to Florence Italy and while they were there one night Hannah went out with some girls and they went to see some gypsey fortune teller or something and I guess she got really upset with what the lady said to her and she ran away. She is blind at night and something happened about that night that Hannah felt very traumatized afterwards. There were whispers of her getting raped but I dunno if that happened or nothing happened or what. It's one of those weird things that gets talked about but not talked about a lot. Eventually she decided to disown her whole family and no one knows where she is now. One of the sisters occassionally gets phone calls from creditors that are trying to find her.
The end.

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