Don't ask me situation questions.

I spent all of my money today on new clothes. I look so good in them. HONESTLY, I do. I was feeling that kind of hot where you are like gee I wish I would run into all my enemies and ex's and crushes so I could be all LOOK AT ME NOW MUTHAFUCKAS! because your enemies would spiral into a depression about your superior looks and your ex's would either be filled with pride at having done you or they would feel extremely stupid about if they cheated on you or wronged you whatever and your crushes would go into a mad frenzy of desire for you. I was so fucking hot I was going into a mad freenzy of desire just thinking about how hot I was. Anyway, whatever cus then I went home and I had nowhere to wear my new clothes and it was dissapointing. Oh yeah, these clothes aren't my new clothes but someone can buy me that striped shirt if they want.

You know what's weird? When people go on those talk shows and are all look at me now to people who made fun of them like a gajillion years ago when they were kids, like it is this big boss on the teaser that the fat kid isn't fat anymore but in actual fact the former fat kid is bossing themself by being like I have been obsessing about you for 15 years and you barely remember who I am. Also a lot of the time they want the teaser to take them on a date. WTF? I don't want to date people who called me "hippie trout" or "breadlocks" and whatever other stupid non sensical shit they came up with to call me cus those names were the peak of their creativity and now I'm sure they are all extremely boring and went to university and have long term girlfriends who also went to university and are also boring. Oh yeah, not all of them would be university boring breeds, some of them are also mega trash breed probably and have a gajillion kids by now and buy three cartons of pop on payday and then buy smokes with the empties. They would take me on dates to the legion or something and now that I think about it I am like score! I want dates to take me to the legion but I don't want them to be white trash dates.

I know that "boss" is not in a whole lot of people's vocabulary so whatever, figure out what it means.

What else? Oh yeah yesterday I bought a new skirt too and it is pretty short and if you don't know me you might not know that I wear short skirts mostly all summer and a million people feel the need to tell me that my skirt is short like I didn't notice and it's annoying. If you would be a girl who is friends with my guy friends you might say Oh wow if I wore a skirt like that evryone would end up seeing my ass all day but really what you mean is don't you know everyone has seen your ass slut? and I wouldn't say anything to you but afterwards I would be annoyed about you saying it. I don't really care if someone gets a glimpse of my ass to be honest because you can see the same thing at the beach, I just dont care. I'd go pantless if it were socially acceptable to do so because I can hardly stand clothes in the summer anyway and also I have pretty nice legs. Also everyone should stop being idiots and complaining about girls in short skirts because who doesn't love a girl in a short skirt? Same thing for knee socks. God people, girls don't want to wear them because they are afraid of getting called a slut but almost every girl secretly wants to wear them and if you own a pair of knee sicks or thigh highs you totally put them on in your room by yourself and prance around feeling hot but are afraid to wear them out cus the world is full of petty bitches.

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