I'm a five dollar bill in your spring jacket.

I bought a digital voice recorder so I can figure out how to say all my dumb stand up shit because I can think of it in my head but for some reason actually saying any of it out loud, I can't do. I freeze up and feel moronic. Anyway I am pretty excited for it I think I will start you acting like captain picard or something constantly telling it what's up. I'm gonna say roger to it a lot. I already said to it roger vowels roger , which makes not a bit of sense but entertained me supremely. Oh yeah and I secretly recorded my sister talking about her prom dress and she had no idea so I figure I might try and get people to say incriminating stuff and record it. I will probably say all the incriminating stuff myself actually cus I think I might try and tape record myself when I am drinking so I can be horribly embarrassed by myself the next day and erase it all and pretend it was accident that I heard the tape at all.

Last night I smoked a joint with some of the characters from work and hung around afterwards and played poker. I should really stop with the poker because I fucking suck at it. Also it's a good thing I so rarely smoke pot because holy shit, I'm such a retard. I was just sitting in the corner and pretending my chips were an army and that everyone elses chips were armies. I brought it up hey do you guys think of your chips like your army? I am always having these big epiphanies when I'm high like I was thinking whoa men are good at poker because they conceal their emotions completly and a womans strategy is to trick people into thinking it is a different emotion. WHOA women ARE tricky. This thought was a BIG DEAL and I was really scared I was gonna forget it. I didn't want to haul out my little notebook and pen right at the table tho and write it down. I was wishing that I had my digital voice recorder thing. I was thinking how I would very discreetly tell it my brilliant epiphany and it would be funny and cool. Oh yeah, and also when I'm high, sudddenly I like Will Smith. I was like yeah man, I'm totally into this song.

Today is pretty awesome actually even tho it was extremely boring and I can't stop eating. I managed to get a replacement camera from Canon finally and it came today which was awesome. Also I got all my tax stuff and did it and I am getting back 1300 dollars this year. I might buy a laptop, I dunno yet. I have the worst paying job in the world right now and I need to go find another one unfortunately I sleep all day.
I am one of those people who pretends that they are looking for a job when really I mostly just think about applying to places and don't do it. I get on my own nerves.

I did go for an interview the other day but I fucked it up. I was explaining how if I was hired I could make the new job the priority job because I don't make any money at my current job and he was all accusing like so youre saying your just looking for money? and I had to try and cover my tracks and it was retarded. I hate that shit. Fuck, OF COURSE I'm in it for the money moron. I'm applying for a job serving drinks, not a job saving lives.

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