I rule, dogs drool.
who are you?

I saw this dog today and I was taking his picture and talking to him and telling him how handsome he was and so I thought we were friends but then I kinda went closer to him to pet him and he barked and growled and basically told me he hates my guts and I was dissapointed and also scared kinda cus he's a big boy.
One time a I was at this party and there was this big black lab-ish type dog there and all night we were best friends and then I was on the floor petting him and he just randomly bit me in the face. It was so scarey and upsetting and I started to cry a whole bunch and the stupid owner of the dog just didn't even care and later on I found out the dog bit people before and was going senile and that the owner would just forget to feed it for days. Also there were these stupid hippie girls at the party that were those kind of hippie girls who are like ex-"preps" from highschool but they got voted uncool or something so they decided to be individuals but they still walk around judging everyone for everything and they hate all girls that aren't their one best friend and they prolly went down on every guy in their group of friends. They were kinda whispering and snickering at me and Jill the whole time and when the dog bit me in the face I got the feeling that they were like huzzah you deserve it for having a HAIRCUT and nicer boobs than us. After the dog bit me Jill and I walked home but I was still crying and super on edge and this guy kinda walked up behind us really fast and I fucking FLIPPED OUT at him. I was like NEVER DO THAT TO ANYONE AGAIN!!!! I might have added something or else-ish to that, I can't remember. Jill laughed her ass of at me and the guy just kinda ran away cus I scared the shit outta him.
I have no feeling in my legs which is upsetting because I want to stand up now. |

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