look who's blogging 2

I'm not supposed to blog cus I'm supposed to be accomplishing you know BIG THINGS like my pointless but awesome ME-MAN comic, that kinda stuff but my concentration levels are at an all time low. Not even. I am just not in the mood, I am waiting to go to work and I am just like hmmmm I will go take pictures for ten minutes....hmmm maybe I'll go upstairs and put on a bit of make up...hmmm oh hey I'll try on some clothes....okay now I'm gonna walk around the house wearing a blanket for a bit....maybe I'll check my email...maybe I'll cut up an apple and eat it then walk around in a blanket for bit....wait I'm still bored...time to eat another apple....I guess I could do the dishes....and fuck itm it is st patricks day, I could have a beer...ooo I'll go upstairs and look for green clothes...now I'll take more lame pictures. That's my day. Rinse and repeat. Don't actually rinse tho, it's just an expression.

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