I like smoke and lightning

Dear Jamie,
This headbanger guy reminded me of you so maybe when you get old you will go to karaoke alone and headbang to your song choices. Also you will play megatouch all night when you are not karaoking except for when Steve sings born to be wild you will nod approvingly in his direction, as if to say I too, was born to be wild. Maybe you will also sing pink floyd and depress the room with your slowness. Actually, you could sing better than that guy and I know you wouldn't sing depressing pink floyd tunes so I guess you got him beat but your hair is still too long.

I used to work at a small mall in a small town and so did my friend James. He was gonna write a fantasy novel about the mall. He had the mall kinda mapped out like the map that's always in the front of fantasy novels. Where my geeks at? you know what I'm talking about. There is always this vague map of the world; like to west is the elves and forest dwellers and the town of say Dremen and watch out for gypsey thieves and trickters there! The giants live in the southwest mountain ranges but maybe they aren't even there anymore, they may have died out YEARS ago, nobody knows but some brave soul will probably go find out by the end of the book. Evil tends to keep shop in the north for whatever reason and chances are that one must navigate a dangerous pass to get there. Anyway James had all the mall organized into fantasy type zones. Like I worked at the food place in the center of the mall so I was a provider and I had ties with all the world/mall. The jewellery store was supposed to be pirates cus they dealt in gold and treasure and also one of the women who worked there wore this aweful puffy pirate shit. What's funny is that she is in her late 30's maybe and she is the weird pirate from the mall and now she dates some guy I know who is my age.

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