attack of the old lonely horney guys

I got drunk after work last night as per usual. These guys were talking about wine years and I said I thought that 1998 was the big wine year that it was really warm and they were like no it isn't and then I was like well I thought i learnt in school that that was the big year and then he gets all like oh yeah in BARTENDING school and I was offended and tryong to explain that it was actually a really indepth course and yeah we did learn about that kinda stuff cus we had a course in oenology and then he kinda starts calling me down because I just work in a comedy and what do I need that knowledge for anyway and I was like whatever cus you work in a comedy club too retard and then he's like yeah I MANAGE one. Like ooooo big fucking deal and then he starts going on like I WISH I could have your job and not have any reponsiblities and I was like yeah, well you can but he was all oh sigh the weight of the world is on my shoulders little girl and you don't understand. Anyway, I was clearly offended and he got all like Oh youre just gonna be sour at me all week??? here's some insincere apologies and eventually I cried cus I am embarrassing and Jason your friend is a fucktard, sorry. Oh yeah and then he was all like sincere apology kind of not really just trying to touch me and saying I was cute for crying and I was like we can be friends if you don't touch me. annoying.

Some guy that always hangs around work gave me 5o dollars cus he was drunk and he said it was a tip because I am such a hard worker and his example was that I just five minutes ago was cleaning broken glass up off the floor but the funny thing is that I was just cleaning it up because I drunkendly knocked it over and broke it. Anyway whatever I was like uhhhhh I can't take that but one of the kitchen guys was standing there saying take it, take it and yeah I did cus I need money but anyway I hope the guy forgets completly that he gave me the 50 dollars and is not all whatta bitch! when he remembers what he did. Also I deserve the 50 dollars because him and his friends are old and they get drunk and make me uncomfortable by loudly saying to me that I am prettiest one that works there and also he is friends with the guy who I biffed the pool ball at the other night. wow. I'm something.

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