lay me down on a bed of bon jovi's

There was a bunch of stuff I wanted to tell you about today. I was up at 8 oclock so I had lots of time to think. Oh yeah, you know what's good fucking news? that I am not usually up at 8. Holy shit. I was the hugest ball of rage. I tried to call this tax line and they were just giving me stupid machine options and I got so mad I pitched the phone at the floor and it smashed all apart, well the battery came out atleast. After that I went to get coffee and the guy in line in front of me kinda elbowed me in the tit while he was backing away from the counter; he said sorry but I just stood there and couldn't even order my coffee cus I was honestly PARALYZED WITH RAGE.

There is these construction guys kinda near my house and they (or one of them) yell "woo" prolly every thirty seconds. It's not a woo checking girls out woo, or even a celebratory woo. It is honestly the most generalized woo you could ever imagine. I have no idea what it is going on and I am really curious about it.

I went to the hairdressers twice today because I hated my first haircut and I went back to get it fixed and I was making all these observations about hairdressers in my head like, I dunno, I was thinking that they are all short party girls! BRILLIANT! but none of my amazing hairdresser observations seem very interesting or memorable right now. It was just stuff like a lot of them wear too much make up and other lame stuff. I was going a bit mental during the first haircut like I had this big ominous feeling and on the way home I was all wanting to cry and also crazy impatient like I could not stand waiting for the bus to get to my house to the point where you want to get off the bus and run but you are all blar because you know that running home from a good two miles away is the mentallly retarded solution to your problem. Anyway, whatever I got over it.

Actually come think of it today was a lot of impulsive for me, like I was possessed by the impulsive demon. I almost bought a 1000 dollar camera but I didn't cus I just got money today which is why I was so anxious to spend it even tho I didnt plan on buying a camera with it before.
I also went out for lunch but then got pissed off when the waitress said I couldnt make up my own pasta and I wanted to leave but tried to act reasonable so instead I ordered bruchetta and then I didnt like it so I only ate less than half of it which is pathetic since it is bruchetta. I decided I wasn't even hungry and I didnt want to wait around for the waitress so I just left money on the table and took off.

My dad used to suck on his arm everynight as a child, specifically this one spot on his upper arm. He did it everynight, so much so that he eventually broke his blood vessels or something there and he has this big red patch on his arm that's kinda birthmarkey looking in that spot. When he got with my mom he told her that the mark was from this time these two french girls were having a hickey contest on him. The moral of the story is that coolness is hereditary.

I feel weirdly guilty that this has not been very funny lately but I have one more thing to talk about which is a bit whiney maybe. It is just about how I hate when "artist" type people kinda reject me or something, like they are all ppppppsssshaw you are not an arteest you are a twit girl, also sometimes women can be like that if they are bigger than you or less of feminine dressers they just kind of assume that you are stupid ditzy and it's kinda hurtful. I dunno where I'm really going with this. Sorry about that. I need to go to bed.
p.s. read my friends blog cus he is funny and also does amazing things that I am jealous of. |

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